VC.iD uses the W3C standards for digital, cryptographically verifiable credentials. VC.iD is compatible with EVM (Ethereum) accounts and EVM-based wallet authentication.

From a single domain page you can view the verified credentials of that specific domain. Credentials can be a mix of OpenID based protocols, standard or custom schemas.



A credential can have one or more types. It is specified in an array of strings/URIs. The "VerifiableCredential" is mandatory.

The credential type can be used to determine if a specific credential is appropriate for a particular use case. For example, a credential of type "EthereumAddress" might be useful to validate a web3 address or specific transaction.


Represents the issuer of the credential. In the case of a social media account verification, the issuer may be the social media network itself, authenticating a session proof.


The credential context contains one or more properties that are related to the context of the verifiable credential.

The context identifier may be an array of subjects (e.g. twitter account credential, followers acount credential, etc).

Cryptographic Proofs

One or more cryptographic proofs that can be used to verify the authorship of a credential, its context and issuer, ultimately proving the credential is valid.

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