EBPTO invites talent to help imagine and realize projects that have the potential to integrate across our daily web3 experiences.

If you are interested in a grant please reach out via DM on our official Twitter account (@OwnYourIP)

Looking to submit a grant application or credit an existing task? Submit Grants.


Latest Grant Opportunities

Complete an opportunity to earn. Incentives differ between activities.

  • Create a Dune analytics dashboard
  • Write a Mirror article on "how IP works"
  • Write a medium post on "how to customize your IP card"
  • Build a community bot for 4 digit or less (Premium) IP registrations
  • Host a scheduled community Twitter space for "Own your IP"
  • Create a YouTube explainer on how IP Domains work
  • Write a boilerplate dapp and host on Fleek using IP domain
  • Build a expiration bot for Telegram
  • Write a "how to get your IP" Reddit post on r/ethereum
  • Write an EBPTO integration article on dev.to
  • Write a guide for The Dapp List on how to use your IP Domain
  • Create a community listing on DappRadar for IP Domains
  • Medium post with a technical comparison of web3 domain products

Advanced Grant Opportunities

Complete an advanced code related task and earn.

  • Create a Pull Request for ENS-powered EBPTO integration on Rainbow Wallet Github. Help expand domain resolution on the popular wallet application.
  • Create a Pull Request for ENS-powered EBPTO integration on Alpha Wallet on Github. Help expand domain resolution on the popular wallet application.
  • Create a Pull Request for domain resolution on Brave Browser.
  • Build a IP Domain XMTP chat application (E2EE)
  • Use IP Domain for game authentication and universal game profile
If you are interested, please reach out via DM to the official Twitter account (@OwnYourIP). We will be publishing the process and incentives. Please check Twitter for announcements.


EBPTO accepts applications from individuals, independent teams, developers, writers, nonprofits, academics, etc. We see grants as an additional incentive for talented people to build something benefiting EBPTO.

Grants are for:

Projects contributing to public good & social products using EBPTO

  1. Early-stage and ideation stage projects looking to jump start
  2. Projects that work open source
  3. Unique use-cases

Grants are not for:

Events or sponsorships

  1. Investment or VC funding
  2. Projects non-related to ebpto

Areas of interest

Developer tools

Wallet Apps

Analytics Tools

Developer education (Tutorials, Videos)

Education materials