Here are some key differences between .ip and .eth that you can put to use today.

On-chain metadata.

In order to give users true self-custody over their IP, the associated metadata must be available in a fully decentralized fashion.

We achieve this through our on-chain rendering contract IPTokenRenderer. By contrast, all .eth NFT metadata is mediated by a centralized web2 server (

On-chain name validation.

Through our IPRegistrationController, EBPTO prevents users from registering names with spaces, zero-width joiners, periods, and other inappropriate characters.

This provides protocol-level security against impersonation attacks. For example: sending eth to JOHN.ip instead of john.ip, or, worse, two names that differ only with respect to the additi‍on of a zero-width joiner (ZWJ) and are visually identical.

By contrast, ENS’s on-chain validation is limited to enforcing only the three character minimum. In practice, ENS’s lack of on-chain validation is mitigated by robust off-chain tooling. However, we believe that when it comes to your IP, users deserve the maximum level of security and authentication.

50% Lower Registration Cost

EBPTO registrations are half the cost of ENS.

On-chain name validation, while more robust, does increase the gas cost of registrations. EBPTO accounts for this enhancement by cutting our registration fees in half, thereby compensating our users for helping to bootstrap the most secure and state of the art system available.

Reduced Fees + Secure Validation.

Ability to Register One and Two Character Names

.eth names must be three or more characters. We have removed this limitation to create even more possibilities.

Register Domains in One Transaction

ENS requires two separate transactions to register a domain, with a one minute “waiting period” between them. This mechanism helps prevent front-running by allowing users to reserve domains for registration before making the identity of those domains public.

However, this approach comes at a cost. Purely in terms of time spent waiting; users have spent in aggregate almost four years waiting to register their ENS domains.

This pause also increases the complexity of client-side registration code. This serves to make registration clients more expensive and complex to create, which increases centralization and hinders utility.

Front running is an Ethereum-wide problem and should be attacked at the network level, not with protocol-specific solutions. Fortunately through Flashbots, any user can create a private transaction that allows them to bypass front-running in registering any EBPTO domain.

We plan on giving users the ability to register using private transactions directly on

NFT Ownership = Registration Record Ownership

When you transfer an ENS domain NFT, the previous holder retains the ability to manage the registration. Meaning they can add and remove subdomains, address records, change the avatar, etc.

On the other hand, when you transfer an EBPTO domain, the new owner automatically becomes the owner of the registration record.

We believe this is more intuitive and, most importantly, more secure.