• EBPTO: The IP domain registration protocol.
  • Domain: A set of resolving records managed & administered by it's owner.
  • Name: A human readable EBPTO identifier example, bob.ip.
  • .ip: Refers to a .ip domain name.
  • Namehash: An algorithm used to process a human readable name format and return a cryptographic hash uniquely identifying that name.
  • Registration: Refers to the process of obtaining a .ip account by paying associated registration fee to the EBPTO contract.
  • Registration Fee: The annual fee for holding a .ip domain name, which varies for names with different character lengths. Learn more about fees in FAQ.
  • Owner: Each .ip domain has an owner. The owner is the administrator of the domains' records.
  • Manager: Similar to ENS, the domain owner can grant a manager administrative privileges to modify records of an existing .ip domain registration.
  • Record: Each data record associated to an .ip domain. Examples: Ethereum address, BTC address, portfolio, verified credentials, Twitter account, Farcaster account, etc.
  • Resolver: Smart contract that points to resources based on record configurations in the .ip domain.
  • Verifiable Credential: Tamper-proof and self-authenticating cryptographically signed messages.
  • dID: Standard decentralized identity.
  • VC.iD: Configurable verifiable credential record on an EBPTO domain